Saturday, December 15, 2007

Poor Dog part II

The tape came off about a week and a half shy of the prescribed 2 weeks. lasted 4 whole days! She was constantly scratching at her ear because of the tape and that just made things worse. So I took it off and wouldn't ya know it...the blood clot was still there! Feel even better about that Vet bill now! But at least she's happier with the tape off and it seems to be getting better on its own. Hmmmm, who said that would happen? Chalk it up to lessons learned I guess.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

I missed Poor Dog Part I, so I just went back and read it. So funny that Tim thinks of the dog like a child. But that's how it goes with dogs- they are part of the family. Expensive lesson to learn that you are always right!