Saturday, April 26, 2008

Water Walls

So these are water walls for my tomatoes. I was talking with a patient about wanting to get my garden started but the weather has been so up and down. She told me about these walls you fill with water and put around the tomato plant. The walls sort of collapse in and form a teepee and the plant is protected from frost. They work great! I just checked on them. It has snowed twice this week and the tomatoes still look great. Can't wait to have tomatoes earlier this year.


Anja said...

That is so cool! Who knew they had all these cool inventions for random things! Good luck!

Jess said...

I didn't know those existed either. This weather does put a damper on the garden.. I can't wait to get ours going.

Stephanie said...

Very cool! We may have to get some of those.