Sunday, April 19, 2009

Cabin Fever

Having not left the house in a week, cabin fever was starting to set in. So we took the kids to the zoo this morning to enjoy the beautiful (FINALLY!) weather and get me out of the house. geese


Lynsie said...

I haven't been to the zoo in the longest time. The last time we were there, we tried to be a good aunt and uncle by taking our niece and nephew. After, when we asked what their favorite part of the zoo was, the answer wasn't the gorillas, the elephants, or even the tigers... they liked the store. Next time I'm just taking them to Wal-Mart. It looks like you guys had fun! :-)

Watts Family said...

You look wonderful!! Cute family of four.

Next time I come back to Utah, me, you, and Anja need to get together.