Thursday, June 26, 2008

I never knew a balloon could make him so happy....

Last weekend we were at the grocery store and Jackson noticed the balloons at the checkout. The bagger pulled one down and handed it to Jack and ohmigosh the squeals of delight that came from my child!!! He laughed at his balloon all the way to the car and all the way home. And once we got home he squealed at his balloon until I got tired of pulling it down from the ceiling for him. Simple pleasures.


Laurie said...

Ballons are the best! Jared still has that reaction to helium ballons. Hours of fun!

Jess said...

So cute! Don't you wish you could bottle that squeal? Record him so you never forget..

Erin said...

It's true...I'd never seen Jack so smiley as the day he walked in with that balloon! Is that the same one that met its demise in mom and dad's ceiling fan later in the day? So sad...but Jack was fine!!