Sunday, July 19, 2009

Binky or Thumb?

Two weeks ago Jackson threw his beloved binky in the garbage. And I thought, what luck! He's going to have to give it up sometime and there's going to be a lot of crying involved. Might as well be now. So when nap time came and he asked for his binky, I told him he threw it away and he was a big boy and didn't need it anymore. And there was a lot of crying.... for about an hour and a half. Then he slept. That night he asked again and cried for half an hour. The next day he only asked at nap time but didn't cry and didn't ask again after that. They say kids don't go to college in diapers or with their binkys. One down, one to go. Why can't potty training be that easy.

Now I'm a little worried because you can't throw a thumb away!

This was my baptism dress and I'm hoping Emery still fits in it in 3 weeks for her baptism. I had to get a picture just in case she doesn't!


Anja said...

Congrats on the binky thing, b/c that always sucks getting rid of, and Emery looks so cute in that dress!

Jess said...

We've gone back and forth on the binky habit a few times. It's a hard one to break but I agree much easier than the thumb. When we tried to take it away the first time Mathew kept putting his thumb in his mouth so we stuck the binky back in!
We aren't having any luck on the potty training either. I've heard boys take longer to come around.
The dress is DARLING!

Laurie said...

Yay for passing the binky stage! Johnny liked his thumb at first but I encouraged the binky so I'd have something to take away when he's older. I love that she is wearing your baptism dress- it's so pretty!