Thursday, June 26, 2008

I've been tagged! I must list 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Here goes......

3 joys
1. Jackson of course! I knew being a mom would be rewarding but I didn't know it would be so much fun! I laugh everyday.
2. Family...I'm quite proud of our little family and my husband and happy to be so close to my parents and siblings.
3. Being a PTA....I can honestly say I love what I do when I'm not at home with Jackson.

3 fears
1. Losing a loved one
2. Lack of good health
3. Teenage drivers

3 goals
1. Finish the dang yard
2. Keep exercising
3. Keep up with getting my digital pics printed and put in albums

3 current obsessions
1. My garden (the zucchini is huge already!)
2. I'm kind of a news junkie
3. Little House on the Prairie...I's weird...I started watching it with Jack, probably because there are no commercials, and it has become a habit. Maybe it's the simplicity of the storylines....

3 random/surprising facts about yourself
1. I get stressed when the house is messy
2. I have a hard time with change
3. The older I get, the less tolerant of the heat I am


Jess said...

That's really funny about the Little House on the Prairie. I was obsessed with it growing up.. My Maiden name is Gilbert and I was thrilled to death when the office secretary accidentally wrote Melissa Gilbert on my Note instead of Jessica. I think I've seen every episode at least 6 times. Haven't watched it in a few years though.
I am really jealous that your garden is doing so well. We got a late start but things are coming along.. I can't wait to make Zucchini bread.
And I agree, the heat gets worse every year..
thanks for sharing.

Stephanie said...

Thanks so much! It was great reading about you and getting to know you a little better!

Erin said...

Ok, I admit I sometimes watch Little House on the Prairie, too. It's more qwerky than I remember. You and I are not the same with the heat, though. Bring it on!!